Freitag, 31. August 2012

Next Dates

Well before i forget to post it: Next week opens the show "hidden publics" at motorenhalle Dresden. Part of this exhibition are 6 photos of paintings i did on my travels in latin america and europe. Stuff on rotten surfaces or in abandoned buildings, some flix are unpublished works. The show focuses on photography which deals with hidden places and hidden subjects in public space. Opening - Wednesday - 5th September - 8 p.m.

8th Sept. - Theatre Fest - opening of the next season - Live Drawing ( start 6 p.m.) for "The Threepenny Opera" at Postplatz Dresden

 14th Sept. - Premiere of "The Threepenny Opera" - with live writing & drawing - Staatsschauspiel Dresden

 12th October - Presentation of "City Images - collaborative Muralism" - catalogue

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